The booking for AeroFittings in our wind tunnel THE AEROW in Bad Wörishofen is now open for you!
Do you want to get the last bit out of your bike position? Do you need a new trisuit or helmet, but don’t know which one to choose?
No problem!
With our AeroFittings or material tests, we’ll take you one step further in terms of aerodynamics!
Book your AeroFitting now!
Not sure which package to book or still have questions about the AeroFitting? Our experts will be happy to help you!
Send us an email with your request to or book a consultation!

FAQ AeroFitting
How does an AeroFitting work?
After welcoming you, we first analyze your mobility and stability in various anamnesis tests to check for possible potentials and imbalances.
If you have completed a PRO AERO BikeFitting in advance, we will determine the order of the aero potentials listed there that need to be checked.
After we have mounted your bike on our Dyno and you have rolled in, we start with a baseline measurement. Based on this baseline measurement, we gradually change your position on the bike from an aerodynamic perspective.
Finding the optimal aerodynamic position is a process.
What do I need to bring to the AeroFitting?
We optimize your position directly on your own bike and you don’t need to do any work yourself.
Very important: After about 100 kilometers you should retighten all screws accordingly.
Please bring the following with you:
- Bike, including wheels and saddle (please bring a clean bike)
- Cycling shoes (possibly special tools for unusual pedal variants)
- Aero helmet
- Attachments for the bike (spacers etc.)
- Cycling clothing (ideally competition clothing)
- Customized insoles and original insoles of the shoe (if available)
- Runlist for wind tunnel from your bike fitter, if applicable
- When booking a material test: all materials you would like to test. Please indicate in advance when booking which and how many materials you would like to test. The aerodynamicists reserve the right to optimize the test procedure for the various materials.
- Shower kit
- Drink and/or easily digestible food if required
- If you have a cardiovascular disease, a clearance certificate from your doctor
The last training unit before the AeroFitting should be a moderate basic unit.
Can I also bring two bikes to the AeroFitting?
In general, this is possible in any case. Depending on whether the position is roughly comparable (road bike/gravel bike) or significantly different (road bike/time trial bike), there is the option of either doing the fitting on a time basis or adding a second fitting.
If you would like to bring a second bike, write a short note when booking and our experts will contact you to discuss the next steps.
What materials can I test with you?
We cooperate with many well-known brands from the triathlon and cycling industry. Our test pool includes one-piece suits from Ryzon, Castelli, Surpas and Fe226. When it comes to helmets, we have a selection of Uvex Casco, Met, Lazer and Abus in stock. For cycling shoes, we have been working with Lake for years and for saddles we offer a selection of Selle Italia and gebiomized saddles.
If required, we also have customizable insoles from gebiomized in stock.
Can I also bring my own products (helmet, trisuit, etc.) for testing?
If you have booked a material test or an aerotest & material test, you are also welcome to bring your own products for testing. Please let us know in advance which products you will be bringing and what you would like to focus on during testing so that we can plan the test runs better.
Can I combine a BikeFitting and an AeroFitting?
Yes, these two products can be combined well. We recommend doing the BikeFitting first and then tweaking the aerodynamic details in the wind tunnel with the optimized position.